Tag Archives: Product

You Look Nice … Jump in My Cart!

22 Jan


Portion Control. Do you know anyone who actually looks at the suggested portion sizes? And, for that matter, who has enough self-control to follow the portion control suggestions? Growing up, there were always five mouthes to feed at dinner .. that meant loads of potatoes, cans or bushels of veggies, and pots large enough to serve an army. Only having to cook for two now, is quite difficult. I still end up with potatoes for a week! But, I may have a solution … well at least when it comes time for dessert:



Ben and Jerry’s miniature cups. Hello Heaven. You know, I was a Marketing major in my day. I wonder if it is good or bad that I’m wildly attracted to things in pretty packaging … {hence the bounce bar, the 20 bottles of shampoo/conditioner in my shower, and now the miniature ice creams} … I can’t help but wonder if it is healthy to put something in my cart based on pretty packaging before I even know what the product is! Needless to say, these little Ben and Jerry’s are big winners in my book! Cute packaging, great contents, and to top it all off: a built in spoon! Mmmm… I’m in love.  I will say, however, that I only buy these when they are 5 for $5 otherwise, I’m not spending my money. And, yes, I could go and buy a huge carton {or two} for the price I’m paying for the little, cute ones.. but if it means my arse doesn’t grow to the size of Canada because I have no self-control or general idea on portion control and these things can help … then I’ll keep buying these little suckers. Enjoy, Ya’ll!

{Update} Buh Bye Bounce Bar

20 Jan


Back in January, I bought a Bounce Bar. You know, the new and exciting bar that you stick inside your dryer and supposedly takes the place of having to remember to throw in a dryer sheet every time you dry a load of clothes. Umm… yeah, great idea! And, I’m tempted by pretty packaging {marketing major} so I scooped this one up fairly quickly. It claims to last two months … or until the fabric softener bar starts to ‘melt’ away and reveals a “time to replace” icon. Well, ladies and gentleman, its been one month and 8 days … my clothes are full of static, and there is no smell anymore. {and it isn’t even telling me to replace it yet} I loved it at first, because it gave my clothes an overwhelming fabric softener smell .. which I adore … but, I’m just not as excited about it now, despite the fact that I don’t have to remember to put in a dryer sheet. {or use 10 per load like I usually do} It’s just not THAT useful. I think I would rather go back to dryer sheets where I can regulate how many I put in at a time …


Just my thoughts. I can’t sleep and realized I had left you hanging about my Bounce Bar {I know you were waiting on pins and needles to hear the results} … Now, I guess the next report will be how easily it comes OUT of my machine! Anyone else tried out this contraption?

Tzatziki, Hummus & Flat Bread = Heaven

8 Jan


Everyone has the one joke that ‘haunts’ them at family get-togethers. Mine… well… mine is about food. {shocker} I lived with two brothers and my sister, and according to my mother I could eat all three of them under the table … combined! My mother loves to remind me that the grocery bill once I moved on to college dropped nearly in half. Still to this day, I can sit down and eat an entire tray {Costco sized tray, mind you} of Bagel Bites in one sitting! Perhaps my metabolism will catch up with me one of these days… I am approaching thirty {I can’t bare to utter that word} … but until then, I vow to continue snacking until my heart is content. And today, I had a GREAT idea for a snack. Now, I did not cook a single thing. I opened containers and used the oven for approximately three minutes. Domestic? Hardly. But, I literally moaned when I put this snack in my mouth. If you have even the smallest hunger, head out {run} to the grocery store and pick up the following:


1. Tandoori Naan {Indian Flat Bread}

{Package looks like}

2. Tzatziki Sauce/Dip

3. Garlic Roasted Hummus

4. Carlo Rossi: Pisano {BIG bottle} wink wink


I’m telling you … I was moaning. Clearly, I have a food problem. I brushed the flat bread with some olive oil and then heated it in the oven for about 3-4 minutes… ripped it into pieces and served with the hummus and tzatziki sauce and a good ole’ glass o’wine. Deliciousness. I ran out of the flat bread, or I’d be eating this as we speak .. crumbs on the keyboard and all. Please check for these items {or similar} at your grocery store. Ah’mazing!